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HTML Components

What are HTML Components?

HTML components are some simple set of classes that can be used to create a HTML website fast and easily. These components are very easy to use and can be used to create a HTML website in a few lines of code. Try to create a HTML website using these components and you will see how easy it is to create a HTML website using these components. So, let's get started.

Built-in HTML Components

Html : To create the main HTML page layout.

Head : To create the head section of a html website.

Title: To describe the title of a website in the head section.

Meta : To describe all types of meta tags for SEO.

Body : To create the body structure of a html website.

Script: To load Javascript codes in fronty based website.

Style: To write custom CSS fronty.

Link : To load CSS codes in fronty based website.

Anchor : To create a anchor links in a html website.

Image : To load images in a html website.

Button : To create a button in a html website.

Input : To create a input field in a html website.

Text : To create a text in a html website.

Break : To create a break line in a html website.

Form : To create a form in a html website.

Div : To create a div in a html website.

Span : To create a span in a html website.

H1 : To create a h1 in a html website.

H2 : To create a h2 in a html website.

H3 : To create a h3 in a html website.

H4 : To create a h4 in a html website.

H5 : To create a h5 in a html website.

H6 : To create a h6 in a html website.

P : To create a p in a html website.

Ul : To create a ul in a html website.

Ol : To create a ol in a html website.

Li : To create a li in a html website.

Table : To create a table in a html website.

Tr : To create a tr in a html website.

Td : To create a td in a html website.

Th : To create a th in a html website.

Caption : To create a caption in a html website.

Thead : To create a thead in a html website.

Tbody : To create a tbody in a html website.

Tfoot : To create a tfoot in a html website.

Iframe : To create a iframe in a html website.

Audio : To create a audio in a html website.

Video : To create a video in a html website.

Source : To create a source in a html website.

Select : To create a select in a html website.

Option : To create a option in a html website.

Nav : To create a nav in a html website.

Header : To create a header in a html website.

Footer : To create a footer in a html website.

Section : To create a section in a html website.

Article : To create a article in a html website.

Aside : To create a aside in a html website.

Main : To create a main in a html website.

Figure : To create a figure in a html website.

Figcaption : To create a figcaption in a html website.

Dl : To create a dl in a html website.

Dt : To create a dt in a html website.

Dd : To create a dd in a html website.

Time : To create a time in a html website.

Mark : To create a mark in a html website.

Small : To create a small in a html website.

Strong : To create a strong in a html website.

Em : To create a em in a html website.

Code : To create a code in a html website.

Pre : To create a pre in a html website.

Blockquote : To create a blockquote in a html website.

Empty : To wrap multiple elements to return a single element.

Comment : To create a comment in a html website.